Why is it important to have positive language? I have always wondered what would happen if I were more aware of my thoughts, my emotions, my actions, the stories I tell myself every day? Would there be any changes? Would it be more successful? Happier? More abundant? More prosperous?...
Now I know that my thoughts become feelings , my feelings become actions , my actions become my results , and my results become part of my intentions.
Should there be something else to give these results? Yes and it all depends on knowing what I want? How I want it? Because I want it? Where do I want it? How much do I want it?
-So, teacher Raúl, how can I improve my life? Mastering Positive Language -But what does it all mean? What do you think? Ah, I think it has to do with how to make changes progressively, and optimize my life, my thoughts, my emotions, my relationships... And what do you think?